The disclosure via the Electronic Media in Guyana, resulting from an article published in the Barbadian Advocate News – dated June 30th 1980 captioned: Chetenham pays his tribute, is cause for grave alarm concerning the impartiality of the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Dr. Walter Rodney. It is clear from the report in the Advocate News, that Sir Richard Cheltenham not only knew Dr. Walter Rodney, but was an admirer and was inspired by him. Continue reading Impartiality of the Chairman of the Rodney’s COI
Author: admin
Our Primary Motivation is to win back the Reins of Government
In his welcome remarks, the Party Chairman reminded Party leaders that the welfare and wellbeing of ordinary people was of paramount importance and a founding principle of the PNCR. The Chairman said that after twenty one years, the People’s Progressive Party/Civics’ 2014 Budget had nothing for the workers. He said that the PPP/C were aware of the following facts: “We are the second poorest country in CARICOM; 36.1 percent of Guyanese live below the poverty level; We have the lowest GDP per capita ranking in CARICOM; of 186 countries Guyana ranks fifth from the bottom on the lowest human development index, and that more than 40,000 Guyanese are unemployed.†The Chairman said that after 21 years, “we cannot but realize that we can expect nothing from the PPP/C to improve our lives.†He said that the PNCR‘s primary motivation must be to win back the reins of Government.
General Secretary of the PNCR, Mr. Oscar Clarke presented the General Secretary’s Report. In his report to Council, the General Secretary outlined the work of the Party’s Secretariat during the period between General Council meetings. He reported on the work of the eleven Party regions and the Party’s Youth and Women’s arm. The main thrust of his report was on the Party’s preparations for its 18th Biennial Congress scheduled for July 2014; preparations for Local Government elections and building and strengthening the Party structures. The General Secretary said that the PNCR continues to prepare for Local Government Elections under the banner of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). He noted that under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration unemployment, especially youth unemployment continues to be pervasive throughout the nation. He reported that there were several complaints from Party regions of the PPP/C’s Administration engaging in selected infrastructure development projects based on political patronage.
The feature address was delivered by Leader of the PNCR, Brigadier David Granger. He reminded General Council that the heart of the Party organisation was the group. In a call for Party unity, Brigadier Granger said that every Party member must work to resist efforts internally and by external forces to divide the PNCR. Brigadier Granger said that the PNCR must remain strong because it was the sword and the shield of the working man and woman in Guyana. He said that it was not by accident that 2014 was designated year for workers. He said that the PNCR will continue to work for unity in the labour movement.
General Council is the governing body and the second highest decision making forum of the PNCR between Biennial Congresses and meets once every quarter of each year.
PNCR Easter Message 2014
The People’s National Congress Reform extends Easter Greetings to all Guyanese, particularly members of the Guyanese and worldwide Christian Community, on the occasion of the celebration of one of the most important events in the Christian Calendar, the commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Continue reading PNCR Easter Message 2014
Preparations for Local Government Election continue
The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) on Sunday 13th April 2014 held a General Members meeting at the Paradise Primary School. The focus of the Town-Hall style meeting was to prepare Party members for Local Government elections. Speakers included APNU Local Government Elections Campaign Director, Mr. Winston Felix, MP; Party Chairman, Mr. Basil Williams, MP; and Party Leader, Brigadier David Granger, MP. The Party members present were informed of the PNCR’s plans for local government elections. Party Leader, Brigadier Granger reminded members that the Party would be contesting the elections under the banner of A Partnership for National Unity. Party members were urged to ensure that every eligible person within their various constituencies take advantage of the current 6th cycle of registration and get registered.
Continue reading Preparations for Local Government Election continue