PNCR Easter Message 2014
The People’s National Congress Reform extends Easter Greetings to all Guyanese, particularly members of the Guyanese and worldwide Christian Community, on the occasion of the celebration of one of the most important events in the Christian Calendar, the commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Easter Story represents, for the members of the Christian Community, the fulfilment of God’s Prophecy that mankind would be offered the hope of eternal life through the supreme sacrifice of His son, Jesus Christ, and His subsequent Resurrection from the dead. It is this faith which has kept the worldwide Christian Church alive and enabled its followers to significantly contribute towards making the earth a better place for all mankind. The Easter Festival inspires hope that eventually what is right and good would triumph.
Christians recognise that, during His earthly life, Jesus demonstrated His concern for the poor and powerless in society, as well as His opposition to the evils of bigotry, hypocrisy, dishonesty, corruption, criminality and discrimination which now afflict our country and hamper our development.
For most Guyanese, the Easter season is celebrated by the widespread flying of kites, which symbolically represent the theme of the Resurrection. Whatever may have been its origins, kite flying attracts widespread participation of Guyanese from all walks of life, regardless of religion, ethnicity or culture. Easter is, therefore, a national opportunity for Guyanese to share and enjoy common experiences, interests and values.
We, of the People’s National Congress Reform, hope that the symbolism of our kites soaring to the heavens inspire all Guyanese to emulate the examples set by Jesus, for the renewal of national hope that there will be the resurgence of the higher standards of good governance, which are needed for securing the future development and prosperity, for all Guyanese, in this our Dear Land of Guyana.
The PNCR wishes all Guyanese a happy, joyous and fulfilling Easter.